
Summer 2024
Capo nord

A la carte Menu

Dive in a sea of the freshest ingredients selected daily by our chef Makoto Moriyama

August 2024

gamberi viola capo nord santa margherita ligure portofino

Always the freshest

There are not many restaurants that can tell to have the natural habitat of the products they serve every day just a few inches from them. We can. We know that it’s a great advantage and every day we do our best not to waste it.


All the seafood we serve, from the small fishes like Sea Breams and Red Breams, to the more sizable once like Tuna and Sword Fish, to De.Co. Red Prawns and Shellfishes are caught in our Gulf and selected daily from the Chef Makoto Moriyama to bring to your table only the Freshest seafood.

Inside the kitchen the products are handled with the greatest care and attention, respecting all the hygienic and sanitary norms and regulations.
In the menu making process we do enjoy experimenting many different pairings to create the organoleptic magic that makes every meal an unforgettable experience.